program eligibility
To be eligible for a referral,
a family must:
Receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits
Be actively participating in the West Virginia WORKS program
Have a valid West Virginia driver's license
Have no other means of transportation
Families receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, or medical benefits only will not qualify.
The family must be getting a monthly assistance check or have received a monthly assistance check in the last six months. The vehicles are provided for $1. All of the recipients receive a car maintenance training before they get the car and must provide proof of liability insurance. The goal of the program is to move people who are on public assistance to work and economic self-sufficiency.
WV works program
What is WV works?
Good News Mountaineer Garage receives funding from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources to provide vehicles to families who need transportation to get to work and job training so they can get off public assistance.
The program is operated statewide and has helped more than 3,500 families become self-supporting. A follow-up study found that one year after receiving a GNMG vehicles:
87% of the families went off public assistance
80% were working
13% were in job training
How it works
To receive a vehicle, a family must be referred by their Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) WV Works case worker with approval by the regional supervisor. When GNMG receives the referral, a staff person will contact the family to explain the program and determine what kind of vehicle best meets their transportation needs. Before a family can be placed in a vehicle, they must provide proof of liability insurance and participate in GNMG's maintenance/ car care training.
The WV Works Program is funded by the WV DHHR to provide vehicles to referred recipients who need a vehicle to get to work or to job training.